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grow your social media




Find out how to establish your brand, find your style and have FUN on social media!



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  • Instagram

BEST tips to grow on instagram in 2020


    • This is the most effective way to grow on instagram. Follow other people in your niche, comment and like and DM people, encouraging friendships and collaboration. Give genuine shoutouts, make your account more about your audience and less about you. Being active on instagram also helps give more authority to your account with instagram algorithm. ​


    • Experiment with hashtags - use different hashtags on each post and make it relevant. Pay attention to how many posts are in a hashtag already and what you can realistically compete with - using hashtags that are too popular will make your photos get lost in a sea of competition. Use hashtags varied in size - one or two million+ hashtags and keep the rest searchable, but smaller.


    • Take a look at the explore page and the top posts and accounts in your industry. Why are they doing well? What lessons can you learn from them? Take some time to sit down and study these accounts, taking notes of what content is doing the best and ask yourself why. Think about what might be missing in your niche - this is how you can learn from successful accounts and bring originality that will drive you to your own success.

  • Twitter Social Icon


I've got good news - a lot of the tips from Instagram can be applied to twitter as well! However, every platform is different and should be treated as such.

Twitter is all about conversation, but more than that, it is about having a good LAUGH. Humor and sarcasm, relatable struggles, and memes will be your friend. Not funny? That's okay, RETWEET PEOPLE WHO ARE.


  • YouTube Social  Icon

YouTube is arguably the toughest platform to grow on, yet reaps the biggest rewards.

It's different, so much different than other platforms, and has been around for much longer. YouTube is a search engine. The way to really grow on any media to the big numbers is making your content have viral potential. This is always what you should strive for with your content, and this is where content research and current trends, thumbnails and titles really come into play.

But it might take some time to make something go viral, so here are some strategies for growth you can use in the meantime-

  • SEO: Search Engine Optimization means, in short, getting your video to rank in search. To do this, you need to think like a searcher and make videos on specific topics that don't have a lot of competition. MAJOR TIP, when creating these videos that you know will be top ranking in search, you need to introduce yourself near the beginning of your video - what is your channel is about, and what will the viewer get out of subscribing? Keep it brief, convincing, welcoming and grateful. 

  • Recommend companion videos. Make your content binge-able. The people who watch these videos will mostly be non-subscribers, so give them a reason to watch more from you, otherwise they will just get what they need and leave. History has shown that most subscribers watch more than one video from a channel before they make the decision to subscribe. 

  • Comment on videos of your similar industry and similar subscriber/view counts as your channel. Make friends and collaborate. 



Image by Sara Kurfeß

the bottom line

It's hard to create quality content on any platform if you're trying to do everything at once. Pick two-three platforms (as I've done above) and really focus on those. You will most likely become known best for ONE platform, whether you are a business or a personal brand. Welcome this! Quality over quantity is always best.

And never forget to have fun with whichever platform you choose to focus your energy on - in fact, CHOOSE to focus your energy on the platform that you have the most FUN with.  

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