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  • Grace Bamburg

Review: "The Magician's Nephew," by C.S. Lewis

To encompass this story, I'd use two words; Symbolic and Simplistic.

In this first installment of The Chronicles of Narnia, we follow two children who are the unlikeliest of friends; Polly and Digory.

Digory's Uncle, Andrew, is a magician of sorts. He sends the children to faraway lands with the touch of a ring. The children travel to worlds in which evil witches call themselves Queens and lakes are portals to new lands.

I enjoyed the writing style immensely, the old-fashioned prose was beautiful and flowing. I also thought the world development combined with the biblical symbolism was impressive and captivating.

I didn't connect to the characters as much as I'd hoped to, and the pacing was a little slow. Because of these reasons, I knocked down my rating a star. But because of the length of the novel and the target audience, I understand why there wasn't super fast action scenes or deep character development, and I still appreciated the book for its other qualities.

Overall, I enjoyed this novel and am excited to continue on with the series. Four Stars on Goodreads.

85% on a percent scale.

B+ on a grade scale.

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